Located at heart of Downtown Yonkers, Francey Brady’s is a purveyor of fine Irish-American dining.
If you’re asking or wondering where the name of the bar/restaurant came from, go back in time and rent Netflix or download the classic Irish roots movie “The Butcher Boy” made in 1997 by Oscar winning and renowned director Neil Jordan. Ahead of its time by Irish standards, and a cult classic, The main character, a sharp witted, charismatic character who referred to himself as “The Incredible Francey Brady”, the owner, Patricia Brady, just figured it was an “incredible” name to call their establishment while paying homage to the well-rounded film.
The Incredible Francey Brady
EVERYDAY 11:00 AM - 4:00 AM
MON-THU 12.00 PM - 10:00 PM
FRI & SAT 12:00 PM - 12.00 AM
Happy Hour
MON-FRI 4.00 PM - 7:00 PM